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~ ABOUT GRACE ~ Trusted partner

Dr. B Grace Bullock is a professional consultant, psychologist, research scientist, educator, speaker, science journalist, and author of the acclaimed book, Mindful Relationships: 7 Skills for Success ~ Integrating the Science of Mind, Body & Brain (Handspring Publishing). Her research focuses on the use of physiological and psycho-educational interventions to build stress resilience across the lifespan. 


She has dedicated her career to mental health promotion, prevention, intervention, research, and policy and systems change to ensure that all children and families have equitable access to high quality mental health services and educational supports. During the past decade she has taken that vision into educational systems where she champions the creation of safe, welcoming, and inclusive school systems, cultures and climates that honor diversity and intersectionality, fully recognize all ways of being and knowing, and ensure that all belong.


Dr. Bullock strives to be a trusted partner in all of her personal and professional endeavors, and brings this value into strategic planning, design, development, training, and evaluation/research of educational offerings and policies that promote personal, interpersonal and systemic well-being, collaboration, empowerment, effective and equitable leadership, decision-making and social change. 






She excels in the development, testing and validation of innovative quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods assessment strategies and observational and narrative coding systems for measuring intrapersonal,  interpersonal, and systemic processes, mechanisms, outcomes and change. Her five minute speech sample coding system - Family Affective Attitude Rating Scale (FAARS: Bullock et al., 2007) and Sibling Interaction Rating Scale  for observational research (SIB-R: Bullock & Dishion, 2004) have been widely published and replicated in the U.S., Europe and Australia. 


Grace is also the Senior Mental Health Officer in the Office of the Director at the Oregon Department of Education, Principal Consultant and Research Scientist at Oregon Research Behavioral Intervention Strategies (OR-BIS) d/b/a Influents Innovations and Oregon Research Institute Community and Evaluation Services (ORI-CES), Associate Scientist at Oregon Research Institute, and Adjunct Professor at the Van Loan School at Endicott College.​


She received her PhD and MS in Clinical Psychology with a specialization in child and family therapy, behavioral genetics and affective neuroscience from the University of Oregon, completed her clinical residency at the University of Washington School of Medicine, and her BA Highest Honors in Psychology, Summa Cum Laude from the University of California at Los Angeles


Her research has been published in numerous empirical journals including the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Journal of Family Psychology, Development and Psychopathology, Journal of Research on Adolescents and the Journal of Social Work Practice, and featured in Psychology Today, The Greater Good Science Center, Yoga Therapy Today, Passages Magazine and Bulletin of Zero to Three among others.  Dr. Bullock is also a highly regarded journalist and science writer,  and a regular columnist for Mindful Magazine and She is the former Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Yoga Therapy. She also holds a Certificate in Film and Television Scoring from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). She has been providing yoga and mindfulness instruction to adults of all ages since 2008, and been practicing both for more than 2 decades.


Prior to attending UCLA Grace assumed management roles in thriving businesses for over a decade, and was the Director of Business Development for a large architectural firm in Los Angeles, where she cultivated a deep passion for organizational psychology, systems change, leadership development and professional learning. 



Alfred Lord Tennyson

"I am a part of all that I have met." 


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